for Every Homebuyer
Owner & HR Package:
Provide Your Team With the Ultimate Benefit
We know that, as the individuals responsible for the wellbeing of your staff, you are constantly keeping an eye out for new ways to bring value to your team. Retaining professional talent can be a challenge in today's labor market, with competitors constantly seeking to poach valuable team members with promises of greener pastures. High turnover rates not only discourage prospective hires, but also result in heightened expenditures wasted on unnecessary recruiting, onboarding and training.
Enter the Employer Benefits Package
Competition aside, do you really have to search for a reason to give back to a hard-working team? If a lasting and meaningful professional relationship with your workforce is a value your business espouses, let us take your efforts to the next level with our employer benefits package.
What better way to give back to those who sustain your operations than to aid them in one of life's most important purchases? Forbes, Harvard University, and the NAR (among many other entities) have all published studies on the social and financial benefits of homeownership for employees; increased stability of finances and location, long-term close proximity to the workplace, and greater loyalty to an employer that provided helpful resources in such an important life milestone are all tangible impacts of employer-offered homebuying benefits packages.
Our suite of free informational services for employers includes:
Comprehensive one on one consulting for prospective homebuying employees
Complementary and accurate credit scores that do not result in impacts to employee FICO scores or unwanted calls
Qualification for first time homebuyer programs
Homebuying seminars/webinars
Sponsored employee appreciation events, and more
Perhaps you may want to reduce turnover even more, all while providing your team with a level of support that they'll be spreading the news on far and wide. In that case, implementing financial assistance in the form of an Employer Assisted Housing (EAH) Program may be the right solution to distinguish your operation as the place to be. EAH Programs have been consistently proven in field study applications to dramatically reduce turnover and even yield a return on investment after cutting the wasted costs of intensive recruiting and onboarding. If you'd like to adopt an EAH program of your own and follow in the footsteps of major employers such as the University of Pennsylvania, Howard University, Amazon, John Hopkins, Red Gold, and USC, contact us for a consultation using our form below.
Credit Knowledge
Hard inquiries to see credit scores and tradeline history are usually thought of as necessary evils in the home buying process. When consulting and preparing for a home purchase with HP Mortgage through your benefits package, an employee will have the opportunity to understand their credit through a soft pull. This will leave scores untouched and avoid unwanted phone solicitations.​
We offer among the most diverse line of programs within the industry, encompassing nearly every mortgage program, both full doc and otherwise, that can help cover the needs of all borrowers we encounter. We are here for all of your staff, not just the ones that other lenders would cherry pick as the "most convenient". Bring value to your team by providing them an expansive and comprehensive spread of home loan resources.
The home buying process can be daunting. After decades of never feeling the need to know about this monumental transaction, being bombarded with jargon and guidelines can overwhelm anyone. Let us demystify this process and deliver to your team members a consultation hand-tailored to their unique circumstances and goals, saving them time and stress and keeping their focus on their work.
What do conventional loans ask of applicants? Do your veteran employees know and understand the guidelines of the VA or FHA-backed mortgage? Education is an integral portion of the home buying process. Our speaking events and webinars can familiarize your employees with the steps they need to take for home buying success. Do not underestimate the value attached to bringing effective education to your team.
Employee Events
We value the relationships that we hold with business owners and corporate leaders that entrust us with guiding their staff in this life endeavor. We have every intention to make our gratitude for productive relationships evident through sponsored employee appreciation events. Not only would this reward your hard working team and reflect positively on you, but it would also attract the attention of new talent.
EAH Integration
An Employer Assisted Housing Program (EAH), is typically a deferred-payment loan that offsets closing costs that is gradually forgiven if the employee remains with the company. We are able to provide insight on structuring such programs. The investment made into EAH can more than cover itself when accounting for sharp decreases in turnover, leading to less costs for recruiting and training, and a more cohesive workforce.
Let's Grow Together
If you are a business owner or HR department member, and you would like to hear more of our benefits package we can offer to your team members, fill out a contact form and we will get in touch with you shortly!